He Just Wants to Say HI!

He Just Wants to Say HI!

Dealing with the Fool Factor is a reality of life with dogs and spaces shared with other humans. You won’t escape the fools, but you can learn how to be effective and support your dog. The world famous “He Just Wants to Say HI!” first appeared on our website back in 1994. Since then it has been translated into many languages and helped many dogs and handlers.



    He Just Wants to Say HI!

    The world famous “He Just Wants to Say HI!” first appeared on our website back in 1994. Since then it has been translated into many languages and helped many dogs and handlers.

    Expanded in 2017 to include information on what to do when your dog is the rude one, this free e-book is part of the RCT SHARE IT! Series.

    These e-books will include printable & downloadable information that you can distribute so that others can also get their free RCT SHARE IT! e-books.

    ALL e-book formats are included in your download files, so you can have a copy on all your devices.

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