An Elephant and An AHA Moment

“That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.”  Doris…

Older, But Maybe Not Wiser

Fun fact: as I get older, my brain feels free to play fast and loose with numbers. Admiring my old…

The Beauty of Small Things

Big things on my mind. Big projects that have occupied me for years (almost a decade). Big projects unfolding. Trying…

A Profound Magic

There are days when I am powerfully reminded that science has so many limits that we are unable to explain…

Real time

This afternoon, with all fed, settled, watered and no one needing me, I laid down with the eight puppies in…

Flipping Over Frozen Pee

Every season brings new adventures. One fine winter not too long ago, I found myself developing a new technique for…

MOOvin Right Along

In a household that already contained 11 dogs, a kitten, 3 tortoises, 2 parrots, a pair of parakeets and a…