Online Course – Instructor: Suzanne Clothier
If you are involved in helping people and dogs find their best relationship, RAT™ is a must-have tool that streamlines your training so that you can be as effective, humane and customized as possible.
RAT looks at the patterns of interaction between a dog and handler. Both ends of the leash are considered, with an eye to what supports the relationship, what may be undermining it, or what may be creating training challenges.
RAT looks for the strengths that are present, and identifies areas for improvement. Specifically, RAT looks in detail at:
- Pulling
- Check-In
- Equipment Use
- Orchestration
- Directability
- Accommodation
- Use of Space
- Arousal and Resilience
- Handler Communication and Feedback
- Dog-to-Dog Interactions
- Connection.
- Risk Factors
The RAT scoresheet provides a clear reflection of the observed dynamics, and points the way to a Triage Training Plan (TTP).
This is an intensive course, with 46 lessons and multiple assignments. The RAT Assessor Test is now included. Successful completion of all assignments & coursework earns a certificate RAT Certified Assessor (RCA).