Intro to CARAT

Intro to CARAT

(10 customer reviews)

New session will open September 8, 2024.

Developed by Suzanne Clothier in 2007, CARAT (Clothier Animal Response Assessment Tool) is a novel assessment system that categorizes behavior traits in multiple components that are intuitive and practical. CARAT looks at these main categories and specifics of temperament traits to build an assessment:

  • CORE: Arousal, Resilience, Energy
  • SOCIAL: Sociability, Social Tolerance, Social Use of Space
  • SENSORY: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory
  • PERSISTENCE: Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Olfactory, Predatory/Chase
  • INTERACTIVE: Patience, Biddability w/Familiar, Biddability w/Stranger
  • COMPLEX TRAITS: Social Confidence, Environmental Confidence, Self Modulation

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    What is CARAT?

    CARAT takes a detailed view of the individual dog as a unique combination of many factors working together to influence, exacerbate, mitigate and enhance each other. In the profile created by the nuances and specifics of this complex interaction of multiple traits, an accurate picture is created of the individual, regardless of breed or age.

    At all times, behavior is assessed according to how productive, functional, or adaptive it may be, with a full understanding that what may be productive, functional or adaptive in one context may not be in another context.

    For example, there would be great differences in the CARAT profiles for a successful guide dog, competitive agility and a suitable companion for an elderly person with mobility issues.

    Who needs CARAT?

    CARAT is a must-have tool for any serious animal professional who is involved in assessing behavior.

    Whether you are a trainer, a behaviorist, a breeder, a veterinarian, in rescue/shelter work, or involved in service dog organizations, CARAT can open a new world of observation and understanding.

    CARAT will fine tune your assessments, your behavior modification & training plans, improve your selection of suitable dogs for a given task, sharpen your breeding program’s focus on desired traits, and help find the best possible job/task/home for an individual dog.

    This is CARAT Level I-Intro training, which includes development of observation skills, basic Level I CARAT concepts, introduction to assessments, and a very heavy focus on video.

    Join us and find out why those who know CARAT say, “CARAT changes everything!”

    New session will open September 8th, 2024.

    CARAT has been approved for CEUs for IAABC (18), KPA (22) and PPAB (16).

    NOTE: This product is purchased through Thinkific. When you click to purchase, a new window will open for that site, where you will need to create a Thinkific account to complete the purchase.

    10 reviews for Intro to CARAT

    1. Carolyn Maddox

      CARAT is such a much more nuanced way to understand dogs and our relationship to them. This seminar was a great introduction to it and the feedback from other participants in the Q and A sections of the class was such an awesome complement to the course work.

    2. Jennifer Fritton

      Thank God for the pause and rewind feature!

      The CARAT Virtual Seminar was an amazing experience. Fun, entertaining, immensely thought-provoking and above all, educational and valuable for the understanding of dogs (and cats, birds, horses, people…). I’ve done the introductory CARAT course both in person and now as a virtual course, and while I loved the richness of being there in person, Suzanne is right when she says your brains may be leaking out your ears by the end of the 2 day seminar.

      The virtual course, by contrast, allowed the luxury of hitting pause, working some things out in your head, going off to take a look at what you saw in your own animals, and coming back all the more illuminated. Also invaluable was the ability to rewind and watch portions again or go through the entire session again. The Q&A’s after each session were as wonderful as the actual sessions for expanding understanding, clearing up confusion and realizing that if so many of the others have the same questions, maybe you’re not as hopeless as you feared trying wrap your brain around the concepts!

      This course is more than worth the cost of admission whether you’re a dog trainer or not. The growth in understanding of who my animals are as individuals is an absolute treasure.

    3. Barbara Laricos

      Observing and understanding dogs is a fascinating and essential element for anyone who works with our four-legged friends. But how does one develop a high degree of skill in that? Suzanne Clothier has captured this in her CARAT assessment tool, which gives a framework to identify and evaluate each dog’s distinct temperament characteristics. The result is a picture of the “whole dog” that helps assessors understand who that dog is (what motivates him, what worries him, how he reacts to people and environments etc.) and develop the best fit/approaches for him. This seminar is an introduction to CARAT and I highly recommend it.

      Learning to use CARAT yourself is a longer but worthwhile process. Because CARAT depends on the observational skills of the assessor, the path to CARAT includes in-depth work to develop observation skills. I can’t think of a better person to teach this than Suzanne. Her own abilities continue to amaze me. The next seminar will be on observation skills and I can’t wait to learn more from her!!!

      A note about the format: I’ve taken several wonderful in-person seminars with Suzanne and at first was not sure about doing this online. But I’m so glad I did! In 2-day in-person workshops, I had the chance to see Suzanne work directly with dogs and deliver mountains of good information. But unfortunately, it was so much good info that it was slightly overwhelming for me (I’m not a professional in the dog world) and I probably lost a good bit of what I learned. But the online presentation was just what I needed. It was a series of lessons over several weeks and included pre-recorded videos that I could pause and re-watch to let them really sink in, as well as slides I can print out and retain for later reference. A live Q&A session was held each week to clarify and reinforce the information. I’m sure I understood and will retain much more of this thanks to the online format.

      Thank you, Suzanne, for such a wonderful experience!

    4. Mary Kulakowski

      CARAT does change everything!

      Suzanne’s CARAT Assessment Tool is brilliant! Learn to observe and understand your dogs on a level you never dreamed possible! Thoughtful interaction between Suzanne and all participants. Questions welcomed!!! This course is an excellent resource for everyone who cares about dogs, from breeders, to those involved with working dogs, to those who want to understand the relationship they have with their own “best friend.” “10 out of 10 stars” in my book!

    5. Deirdre McGrath

      The seminar has opened my eyes further to dogs being individuals and how they approach the world. The seminar alters one’s way of being with a dog or guiding that dog and its handler.

    6. DeeDe Baker

      I took my time going through this program by ensuring I could focus 100% on each video. Boy am I glad I did! I feel like this is just the tip of the iceberg, and am intrigued and terrified all at the same time! This is something anyone who works with dogs should want to learn about.

    7. Lynn Desautels

      CARAT has deepened my ability to understand the dogs in my life and to work with them more effectively. I am so grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn from Suzanne, and while I miss being able to do things in person, the online format provides a very effective way to absorb the material.

    8. Oliver Ringrose

      CARAT changes everything – Such a thought provoking introduction to the world of CARAT, the hooked is baited for me to continue to learn more about the specifics of the individual, truly enjoyed the course.

    9. Silvia Redini

      I enjoyed every minute. Suzanne was always inspiring, engaging, entertaining and very clear in her sessions. I am so looking forward to learning more as it will change the way I work for the better for the sake of the rescue dogs in my care

    10. Melissa Winkle

      A must have course!

      I am an occupational therapist (OT) for humans, a dog trainer, and an international educator in the areas of Animal Assisted Interventions and Service Dogs. In my work, I assist people to select, prepare and train dogs for work in these areas. My ‘trademark’ is creating profiles of dogs and people and how they may or may not fit into the job description they envision. Suzanne’s theories and processes have given me so many tools for my toolbox, and have made me a better human healthcare practitioner and dog trainer/instructor.

      So many of her ideas are in line with how we work with humans- especially those with physical, cognitive or psychiatric disabilities. Her concepts make it an easy transition to include into working with our dogs in practice, and the humans we coach to self-train under our direction for animal assisted interventions and service dogs. OTs treat humans holistically, not asking ‘whats the matter with you”, but instead asking “what matters to you”. I feel that her workshops help make this full circle to work in the same manner with dogs for these jobs. If a dog chooses to work in our career paths, I don’t necessarily need a dog to fit into a specific box, I am happy to create a job description that fulfills what that dog needs and prefers Suzanne’s courses help to make that happen.

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