Helen ambushed by Jamie while she is chewing on coffee tableBenny enjoys disrobing his friendsBenny practices the fine art of knot removalHanna spent some time with puppies and puzzlesPeaches at 8 weeksPeaches 8 weeks profileYukon 8 wksPanini 8 weeksPanini 8 weeks profilePanini again! 8 weeksJamie profile 8 wksDeuce 8 weeksDeuce 8 weeks smiling!Benny 8 wks profileBenny 8 weeksJAMIE 8 weeksHelen 8 weeksShug – profile 8 wksShug at 8 weeksPanini with toyYukon and ring toyHow to bake a puppy: First, begin with an appropriate size pan. If your puppy overflows the baking dish, be sure to put a cookie sheet beneath the pup to catch anything that bubbles over while baking. Bake at low temp until unbearably cute.Peaches at 8 weeks shows the promise of the dog she will be