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Here’s something we hear a lot: “Oh, I wish I’d known this when I was starting out!” Suzanne’s sensible, kind and practical approach helps even first time owners and beginning trainers build better relationships and deeper understanding. Her teaching style is well known for making complex information easily understood, and her RCT techniques provide a solid foundation for any handler and dog.
Despite long experience or multiple certifications, many trainers feel like something is still missing. Suzanne’s pioneering work provides paradigm shifts and radical frameworks for understanding the dog/human relationship with her unique blend of science and heart. Most often heard from long time pros when they encounter RCT: “This is what I was looking for – this is the missing piece.”
Suzanne will continue to offer new webinars throughout the year. These are recorded, and added at no charge to the RCT Reference Collection two months after the live presentation. If you’d prefer not to wait, and to participate live at the scheduled time or have faster access to a new webinar, you may purchase that event.