I think dogs can emote frustration and/or anger. I do not think they emote shame, guilt, or remorse. I could be wrong, thus the request. I come to this conclusion based on observations over time and looking at Merriam, per your suggestion. I knew you were going to ask me what I thought. Sign of a true leader.
Your thoughts are most welcome?
1a: a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety
b: the susceptibility to such emotion
2: a condition of humiliating disgrace
3a: something that brings censure or reproach
1: the fact of having committed a breach of conduct
2a: the state of one who has committed an offense, especially consciously
b: feelings of deserving blame especially for offenses, real or imagined.
1. a gnawing distress arising from a sense of guilt for past wrongs
1: a strong feeling of displeasure and usually of antagonism
2: a threatening or violent appearance or state