The Right Stuff: What Makes a Therapy Dog with Ann Howie: RECORDED WEBINAR
The Right Stuff: What Makes a Therapy Dog
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Don’t miss out! Reserve your spot today and embark on a journey to understand whether your dog has the right stuff to be a therapy dog.
Ann began her life by being friends with the animals on her farm. As an adult, she found ways to incorporate animals into her psychotherapy practice and to advocate for the animal’s perspective as a dog trainer. She helped develop the first Standards of Practice in the field of animal-assisted services, she has written books and textbooks for both volunteers and professionals, and she continues to develop and teach curricula on-line and in-person. Kindness is central to her way of being, toward both humans and the animals with whom we share this planet.
Ann runs Human-Animal Solutions, PLLC. You can find out more about her and her business at:
You will have access to the recording for a year.
NOTE: This product is purchased through Thinkific. When you click to purchase, a new window will open for that site, where you will need to create an account or log-in to your existing Thinkific account to complete the purchase.
4 reviews for The Right Stuff: What Makes a Therapy Dog with Ann Howie: RECORDED WEBINAR
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Barbara Laricos –
This seminar focuses on environments, stresses, and more a therapy dog might encounter, and what kinds of skills and temperament a dog would need to handle them well. You might think that just because a dog loves people, that’s enough. Or is it enough just that YOU WANT the dog to love people? (Hint: NO!!!) There is so much more to think about! And the biggest is what the dog’s opinion is. Do they want to visit? Can they operate with little or no stress in X environment? Are they aroused by noises? Smells? Other animals? Is their excitement over a visit so extreme that they can’t control their urge to jump? There is no end to the questions, but Ann and Suzanne help lay all this out to better understand how to read our dogs, and most of all how to advocate for and protect them. As a Therapy Dog Handler, that’s your #1 job — to advocate for your dog and ensure their well-being before, during, and after this volunteer job you’re asking them to do. This webinar puts all this into perspective and gives wonderful guidance about the temperament and behavior traits to look for. Whether you’re just now considering this work or are already involved, this webinar will help you figure out what the “Right Stuff” is for you. And, IMHO, will likely make you a much better human for the animals you love.
Danae Brown –
Awesome! I think after three tries, I finally have a dog suited for Therapy work!
Melissa Winkle –
Ann Howie has the Right Stuff for teaching visiting teams perspectives from each side of the leash! This webinar was thoughtfully laid out, with content not always seen in volunteer visiting training. I recommend any of her talks, and also recommend any Suzanne Clothier content as it all relates back to the dogs that we work with in visiting, education, or healthcare services, and the dog coaches and trainers that help people along the way.
cynthia kieffer –
As always, Ann shares her wealth of information in a clear and concise manner. I would highly recommend this course.