SIT is an amazing starting point for understanding our dog’s physical abilities. When you know what to look for, how your dog sits – or doesn’t! – can provide a wealth of information, including possible discomfort, pain or even structural issues that need your support.
This webinar will encourage you to think about assessments and testing in deeper ways, including knowing what you need to know, defining your criteria, and scaling the responses and behaviors you observe. Suzanne’s legendary observation skills and whole-dog approach, plus her FAT app, gives you new tools to understand the dogs in your life.
Assessing behavior and evaluating a dog can be challenging! So many factors play a role in the dog’s behavior that it can be difficult to distinguish a response to environmental or social triggers from a true temperament response or behavior pattern. When we carefully assess function as a reflection of well-being, we have a better sense of how that dog is doing.