Canine body language is a beautiful and complex language that must always been considered in context, and as a whole. This webinar covers Suzanne’s Geometry of Canine Body Language.
For anyone who work with many dogs, or anyone that wants to better understand their dog, this approach provides a powerful framework for assessing and understanding any dog so that humane, effective handling is possible. Knowing what to look for is key. Join us to learn this easily understood approach to reading canine body language in sophisticated ways.
Join Suzanne for this fun webinar which provides practical information on using rewards effectively, with simple solutions to the oh-so-common “Show me the cookies!” challenge. Whether you are fine-tuning the approach to your own dogs, or helping your clients to be more successful using rewards, this webinar is for you.
In this thought-provoking webinar, Joe and Suzanne combine their collective experience using Maslow’s work for understanding both ends of the leash. This unique take on understanding needs and behavior was a hit when Joe & Suzanne first presented at her 2024 Trainers’ Workshop.
Join us for an exciting new perspective that is practical, sensible, and grounded in compassion for the struggles and needs we all have.
What if you ask a dog (whatever age, breed, sex, background, training level) to do something, but there is no…
Turns out hostage negotiator Scott Walker, author of “Order Out of Chaos” has some useful tips for animal trainers! At…
Recent work finds mixed emotions have distinct neural signatures. This sentence stopped me in my tracks. I read on: “As…
Once again, hosted by the great folks at West Jersey K9 SAR. Cannot wait to be back for another amazing weekend. Two days chock full of important information that will help you deepen your understanding of dogs, relationships, RCT techniques, and your own actions as a handler. Join us for WHO ARE YOU – AND HOW CAN WE HELP? on Saturday, and on Sunday TALKS WITH DOGS How Our Body Language Affects Our Communication with Dogs.
The online dog training community is not a particularly nice place to be these days. The Us vs Them mentality… “It’s common knowledge that we use more than speech to communicate. Our facial signals, hand gestures and tone of…
The Natural Jumping Method creates skilled and confident jumpers in a way that protects and strengthens the dog’s body, encourages correct biomechanics, and builds the dog’s confidence. Start your dog right! or improve their jumping style naturally.